

Control = comprobación, inspección, fiscalización, intervención, dominio, mando, regulación 

Control: to check, test, supervise,verify, interven, regulate, restrain, dominate, regulate, impediment 

Relación con un resultado final o modelo, que involucra una medición y observacion de un proceso standarizable cuyo fin es la detección de desviaciones con el fin de establecer medidas correctivas. Existen muchas connotaciones del término y sus significados varian según su lugar de enunciacion, por ello invitamos a artistas, estudiantes, amateurs y demás interesados en la producción de video, a realizar pequeñas piezas de 15 segundos que se vinculen a una cadena de video respuestas en las que se explore el término desde todas sus facetas. 
Las piezas seran exhibidas en la plataforma VideoRed como parte de la muestra Time Mutations en la galeria Marke.6 del Neues Museum Weimar en Alemania, d el 5 de Agosto al 16 de Septiembre del 2011.
Explora la rama CUERPO en la plataforma www.videored.org y sube tu video. O envíalo a videored01@gmail.com.

The term has plenty connotations and its meanings varies depending on its place of enunciation. For this reason, we invite artists, students, amateurs and people interested on video production, to join a chain of 15 seconds videos that explore the term in all its aspects.
All videos will be shown at the website VideoRed as part of the exhibition Time Mutations at the Marke.6 Gallery at the Neues Museum of Weimar Germany, from August 5th till September 16th of 2011.
Just explore the branch CUERPO at the web site www.videored.org and upload your video, or send it to videored01@gmail.com.
Time Mutations is an exhibition through a collaboration between two institutions that have historically been deeply invested in experimental media practice. Media practitioners from the Media Art & Design Program at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar and at the State University of New York at Buffalo’s Media Study Department have come together to present new projects and provide a platform for interaction between our institutions’ physical and research localities. The exhibition gather works that focus on individual and collective perceptions of space and time emerging from technologically mediated interaction and exchange. Works in which the concept of time as linear or location as static is successfully challenged, manipulated or collapsed, giving way to alternative experiences and constructions of time, space and place. Explicit failures in these attempts are embraced as both inevitable and interesting – for instance, the failure of technology or mediated social interactions to erase differences in language, cultural protocol, etc. More Info